To all the cast and crew on the Sundance TV series; The Red Road, mucho congrats for putting another season in the can! Forever proud to be a part of this breaking-new-ground series helmed by these two gorgeous leading men; Martin Henderson and Jason Momoa! Happy,...
Update from Pittsburgh!
13 Nov 2014, Posted by in Blog
Finally catching some time to give my awesome new website created by Armando Madero of jUSTeXPOSE Media, some much needed attention! Thank you for the home page changes Armando! Over the next few weeks I will be updating info and sharing photos from various productions...
READ MORE‘The Dead Lands’ Oscar Contender for Foreign-Language Race
04 Oct 2014, Posted by in ARTICLES & INTERVIEWS, Blog
Oscar Race: New Zealand Picks ‘The Dead Lands’ for Foreign-Language Race SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 | 07:49PM PT Shalini Dore New Zealand has selected Maori-language “The Dead Lands” as its entry in the Oscar foreign-language race. Toa Fraser’s film centers around a Maori chieftain’s teenage son, who must avenge his...
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